This amazing house was not only beautiful but it was old- we are talking 100+! The two architects hired years ago by the original family of the home were asked to replicated an estate in Europe, and they traveled all the way to the States to pitch them the plan. Lucky for them, they fell behind schedule and missed their boat over- the Titanic! The current owner loved that story so much dedicated a whole room to the Titanic- including maps, nautical antiques, and a very large replica of the ship itself.
The pool was one of our favorite parts of the day! It was also the home owner's dog Sailor's favorite part as well. She welcomed the team by jumping in the pool on numerous occasions and managed to sneak her way into many of the frames. She also entertained us with her very strange habit of barking as she swims- hey, what dog doesn't get excited to swim!
We COULD NOT get over how cool this guys cars were. Sadly the navy blue Mercedes and the pink Cadillac are the only ones that made it into the shoot, but the collection was Gatsby worthy- literally! He had a car from the Great Gatsby movie- WE sat where Leo sat <3
There was a vineyard IN. THE. BACK. YARD...enough said. We love you wine.
Overall the shoot was more than a success! Not only did we capture incredible photos, amazing vibes, and these gorgeous ladies, but we all got to work with some crazy talented people and form lasting friendships! How corny are we! But seriously, it takes a village, and our village rocked!
Video: Jackson Steppe LLC and crew
Photos: Kaitlin Newman